Tradition of Quality

In order to ensure our customers’ satisfaction and guarantee the quality of our products, Cartonifício Valinhos has an integrated management policy in which the company commits to follow the quality, safety, environmental and social responsibility regulations for the sustainability of our business.


“To ensure our customers’ satisfaction with quality products and services, meeting the applicable requisites, through modern processes in a safe work environment, with controlled risks, qualified and dedicated collaborators, always trying to continuously improve our integrated management system and preserving the environment through recycling.”

Cartonifício Valinhos Quality Policy


Our suppliers are strictly selected, evaluated and homologated according to the specifications required by our quality policy.

Regarding white or kraft paper production, our cellulose and waste paper suppliers have the FSC® certification of commitment, which guarantees that they are using natural resources properly and with the required sustainability.

In our paper and corrugated labs, all our products undergo specific and rigorous quality tests to assure all the specifications required by our customers are being met.


ISO 9001.2015

ABNT standard that assures our Quality Management System, proving that Cartonifício Valinhos is capable of providing products that meet our customers’ needs.


Sustainability standard that guarantees that our raw materials and products come from well managed forests and from materials recovered from the environment.